'Firsts in February' 2025


We are aiming to host quarter peal attempts in February to provide opportunities for ringers in our affiliated towers to score a 'First in February'  where they might not have the opportunity to do this  with their home tower band.

This  can be anything ranging from covering or trebling to your first quarter peal to attempting a first inside for a more complicated method you have been learning or even conducting your first quarter peal.


We find that the prolonged period of practice that a quarter peal offers really helps to embed a new method. If you are a relatively new ringer covering to a quarter peal helps you to consolidate your handling confidence, by giving you an extended period of solid rhythmic practice, and more opportunity to learn to relax while you are ringing. (You can't overpull or grip too tightly for 45 minutes or it's exhausting and/or it hurts!).  They are called attempts for a reason, if we don't complete it the first time we can try again! For more information on the benefits of ringing quarter peals please read Quarter Peals are Good for You.


If you are interested in attempting a quarter peal for your own development or being part of a quarter peal band to support others, please get in touch.


For quarter peal attempts the usual arrangements are for all ringers to make a £1 donation per rope to the host tower and (if successful) a £1 donation per ringer to the Ringing World. when we record the QP on Bell Board.

Please contact us for more information.